In the current COVID19 situation, it’s hard for rescue workers to get competent and stay competent. The drills, the classes, working together with colleagues: all the traditional education tools are hard to use. That brings us to the question: what is still possible?
In the Netherlands, FireWare started an experiment together with several Fire Brigades and so called safety regions. We started to explore the world of webinars and remote classrooms for rescue workers. We had a lot of questions and few answers. On a special webpage we share initiatives and experiences regarding “learning skills remotely”.
Webinars, streaming, e-learning, but also the social aspect. What is going well, but above all, what’s not good and what can others learn? At present, Safety Regions North Holland North, South Holland South, Mentaalbewust and FireWare have joined forces. We learn from each other and share experiences on this steep learning curve. We do not guard this information to ourselves, we actively share it through social media and on this site.
We do think that we learn is not only relevant for the Netherlands, but also can be valuable for rescue workers all around the world. Therefore, we decided to translate all our findings and share it with you all. Hope it can be beneficial for you! We made a separate LinkedIn account in English to keep you updated on this and other related subjects. If there are any questions: we are more than happy to share!
Take a look at the shared findings of learning skills remotely: here.