Recently FireWare received a very special request from Albert Dijkstra of BHV Training Zeeland. The conversation went like this:
A: Do you have the crate I use for my manikin a little higher?
FW: Sure…
A: And do you have them in stock?
FW: Yes, 4 pieces.
FireWare boxes
A: Can I make you an unusual sponsor request? I am also a volunteer at the EHBZ (First Aid for Marine Mammals) and these crates are ideal for us to transport seals in need.
As a result, in the Zeeland region, sick or abandoned young seals are now regularly transported along the entire coast to reception centres in the grey FireWare crates. Of course we already knew that they are practical and versatile, but we never thought they would be used for this. Albert and colleagues, good luck with the good work you do!