On Tuesday, November 20, the Fire Experience Day took place at the Fire Service and Training Center of the Royal Air Force Woensdrecht Air Base. There was a lot to see in the field of firefighting materials and lectures took place. FireWare could also be there with a booth!
The Vesta extinguisher trainer could be demonstrated live in the large hall and all kinds of other materials were also included. The PPV trainer and new Nebula electronic blind masks received a lot of positive attention.
The new FireWare Interactive Incident Trainer (F.I.I.T.) also attracted a lot of attention. This scenario trainer has been further developed since its first presentation at the ERIC and is now completely ready for training. In the trainer, an environment is projected on three sides. This is, for example, a workshop, the city center or a living room. An incident then takes place here. For example, the character may have a heart attack or epileptic seizure, be hit by a car or suffer heavy bleeding. Subsequently, it is up to the student to report correctly, to help or stabilize the victim and to provide the ambulance brothers with the correct information afterwards. A manikin is used as a victim. This way, every student has his own scenario.
We look back on a successful day with many interesting contacts.