Achieve more learning and teaching goals with your fire extinguisher trainer

20 July 2023

The fire extinguisher trainer, one of the most commonly used training devices in the market. Most people who have ever learned to operate a fire extinguisher have come into contact with a fire extinguisher trainer. And even in the fire department: who hasn't practiced using a gas flame fire extinguisher trainer?

The foundation of almost every fire extinguisher trainer

The foundation of every fire extinguisher trainer is more or less the same: a gas flame is ignited, either manually or electrically. Various attachments can be used to simulate different types of fires. At FireWare, we jokingly call the development of these attachments "origami with stainless steel."

Certainly, there is a lot of variation in the quality of fire extinguisher trainers, from construction and safety features to durability and flame size. But they all have one thing in common: aiming to achieve one or more learning and teaching goals.

Not bigger flames, but focusing on achieving learning goals

In the development of the Vesta Fire Extinguisher Trainer, at FireWare, we have placed the emphasis on achieving as many learning and teaching goals as possible, rather than just focusing on the size of the gas flame. How can you serve both the novice trainee and the advanced trainee with one system? And how can you ensure there is always something "new" to learn?

We have not found the solution in flame size. It's not about beginners benefiting from a "small" flame and advanced trainees from a "large" flame. In advanced training, it's about adding complexity and dilemmas.

Always the right challenge for every trainee, in every target group

And that's exactly what the VESTA series can do so beautifully. With the various attachments (add-ons), you can always create an excellent basic scenario that suits the target group. The unique additional Auxiliary output allows for significantly increasing the complexity of the basic scenario. For example, with the Vesta and the motor fire attachment, you can simulate a fire in an electric motor. Then, you can connect a flange fire to the auxiliary output. Now, the trainee must weigh the right extinguishing agent, the correct sequence of actions, and the appropriate extinguishing method!

Light, compact, and quick to deploy

As an instructor, you don't want to strain yourself carrying all your training materials, and you don't want to spend hours setting up your scenario. That's why the VESTA series is equipped with dry burner technology (no need to drag water around for your burner bed), an electric ignition powered by a battery, packed conveniently in crates, and one of the lightest fire extinguisher trainers on the market! And did you know that the VESTA can also be used horizontally?

If you want to learn more about the VESTA fire extinguisher trainer, click here. If you want to know all about the possible attachments (add-ons), click here!

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