A world first for water rescue training

07 June 2021

A water rescue manikin can be used to teach rescuers all the skills needed to safely rescue a person out of the water. In most cases, the manikin simulates a drowning person floating with head and shoulders above water. Once the victim is rescued from the water, the instructor can switch to a manikin for CPR. Very valuable to train CPR skills, but due to the changeover moment, the real training experience has long been lost.

There must be another way. That’s what our British partner Ruth Lee and the medical simulation experts at Lifecast Body Simulation thought. They joined forces for a breakthrough in water rescue training: the Advanced Water Rescue Manikin.

Water rescue training taken to the highest level

The torso of the Advanced Water Rescue Manikin is designed by Lifecast Body Simulations. It provides for practicing all medical skills involving the rescue of a drowning victim. The sternum of the chest can be compressed till 5 to 6 centimetres, with built in recoil. Additionally, the manikin is suitable for training intubation techniques. What is unique is that both dry and wet lung drowning can be simulated. The instructor can introduce liquid to replicate ‘ foaming’ in the mouth.

Robust body

The rest of the manikin’s body is fabricated by Ruth Lee and has a realistic height to weight ratio. The manikin will naturally float at a 45-degree angle. Even in the roughest waters, the manikin is held at that angle. Additional weights can be put in the pockets located on the arms, legs, chest and back to adjust the floating angle. Due to the robust design, the manikin can take a beating. The trainees are not restricted in their actions during the rescue operation.

For more information and photos, see our webshop: Advanced Water Rescue Manikin.

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