The Veiligheidsregio Utrecht (VRU) (Utrecht Safety Region) is one of the biggest safety regions in the Netherlands. It employs approximately 2500 employees, around 1600 of which are volunteers. It goes without saying it’s of the utmost importance that these people become and remain skilled and proficient. Training equipment forms a very important part of this.
It’s the VRU’s ambition to provide all 67 posts within the region with an equal package of training materials. After all, uniformity will definitely benefit the quality. However, this package is so extensive that a European tender proved necessary. An enormous amount of attention has been devoted to preparing for this tender within the region. We have very carefully considered the needs, which requirements the training equipment needed to satisfy and what will be expected from the supplier. We have also looked at a fair purchasing project. The region is thereby assisted by the Inkopen Voor agency.
We are therefore incredibly proud within FireWare to have been awarded all the lots we registered for! Especially because this wasn’t merely assessed on the price/quality ratio, but also, to name but a few, the innovative power, sustainability and service orientation. All points which are very high on FireWare’s list of priorities. Bas van den Hemel (VRU) and Jacqueline van Zanen (FireWare) officially signed the contract on 12th April 2017.
Together we will do everything within our power to realise a perfect package of training materials within the VRU during the forthcoming period of 2+1+1 years. People will receive training to allow them to complete their own maintenance activities within the region. Old training materials will be collected and made available to firefighters without borders, making sure they can still be used elsewhere in the world. We will also be joining forces to work on the development of new training materials, which will also be interesting to other emergency response teams! The first products inspired by this collaboration will already be launched in the very near future!