Monthly final training exercise TATA Steel

Plumes of smoke are coming out of an old building ready for demolition, and the fire brigade from Tata Steel IJmuiden does not yet know what may be going on inside.  Two weeks earlier, René Schelvis, then a preparation employee for Tata, discussed the scenario with Bram, a staging technician for FireWare. This morning Bram set up everything. The scenario A short circuit occurred in the meter cupboard of an old sanitary room and now there is a fire. The fire has set fire to the office next door and in a short period of time the whole ground floor is full of smoke. The fire moves upstairs, and on the first floor, above the meter cupboard, a fire starts. The floor fills with smoke.

On the ground floor there are three actor victims. When the firemen find these victims they will learn that there is also someone in the basement. Because, the short circuit in the meter cupboard was caused by illegally tapping off power for an XTC lab in the basement! The actor victim in the basement shows signs of chemical burns and is locked up, the basement is closed. Once the fire brigade finds out there is an XTC lab, they will have to scale up and create the necessary zones.   Technology To make the scenario look as realistic as possible Bram has done the utmost. He has created the short circuit in the meter cupboard by mounting multiple Easy Flashes to an instant power cable. He finishes it off with a SoundBox Small with the sounds of sparks and a LED Silkflame 1.5.  In the office there is also a LED Silkflame 1.5.

Short circuit and transmission of the fire

Together with the red and orange led spots, a SoundBox, and a Cumulus smoke machine, it becomes a realistic fire. In the sanitary room on the same floor a Cumulus produces extra smoke. The transmission of the fire to the first floor happens directly above the meter cupboard. This is done by using a LED Silkflame 1.5, a SoundBox Small, and a Cumulus. Further down the first floor there is another Cumulus.  All smoke machines in the building are filled with FireSales Heavy smoke liquid and are regulated from outside with an analogue XLR Remote. The other effects are regulated by wireless Click On/Off remote controls.

The lab in the basement is convincing with bags of pills, a weighing scale, measuring glasses, salt, and a puddle of colouring liquid. The cooperation between Tata and FireWare Tata Steel was one of the first clients when FireWare started in 2003, and since the first day the cooperation has been pleasant. Once per month there is a final training exercise and for the big scenarios FireWire is called to build the scenario and control the effects.

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