Pro-active Basic Staging Training I at the FireWare office!

29 May 2019

On Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 FireWare’s Sef Hendrickx organised a pro-active Basic Staging training at the training location in Wieringerwerf. Nine participants joined this training to finetune their staging skills. The nice weather even allowed some outside scenarios as well!

Wide training variety with specific depth

At half past ten, the participants engaged in the training by presenting themselves. As the group’s participants usually have their origin in various professional areas, we opt for a wide variety in training subjects, yet offering specific depth. The primary goal of the training is to teach the participants to stage a realistic training with limited materials at any given location...


Now that the participants have met, it is time to plunge into the theory of realistic training; an element that is underestimated all too often. After explaining the theory behind a proper realistic training, the basic principles are explained using sound and images. The fundament of a realistic training is to excite as many senses as possible.

Examples from real-life

The morning session is concluded by having the participants staging a realistic training using simple objects from every-day life. All participants go outside for the staging of a training with hazardous materials and dry ice. The basic materials used are a 25-litre barrel and dry-ice. The other ingredients are from the supermarket and the DIY-market. It doesn’t take long for the participants to stage a chemical reaction. The brown, bubbly gases allow the imagination to fly high.

Putting theory into practice

After lunch, the time has come to put theory into practice. Sef challenges the participants to stage a realistic fire in the shortest possible time. The participants are given a smoke generator, a Firespot and a wheeled bin, and whatever is lying around. Think big, stage smart!

Specific demands

At the end of the afternoon session, we assemble in the fire chamber for a demonstration of vertical smoke layers building up with the aid of a Vesta extinguisher trainer. The layered development of the smoke can be watched safely from behind the glass. Afterwards, we go outside to build a final scenario. We use wooden pallets, a Vesta, a Stratus smoke generator and a smoke hose to create the illusion of a fire outside.

New insights

All participants experienced an interesting and fun day that made them feel inspired and energetic, no exceptions.

Are you also interested in a staging training at your offices or at our training centre? Come visit this page!

Watch the video

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