Hospitals & care
Practicing with smoke inside an operation room, should we want that? Which safety measures need to be in place when simulating an incident in a radiology department? These are core questions that come to mind when simulating incidents inside a hospital. Over the past years, FireWare has closely collaborated with many health care providers in order to create realistic scenarios in very challenging settings, without causing damage to the delicate equipment and while keeping maximum focus on patient safety.
Below there are a few examples of projects in our portfolio. Are you interested in a brainstorming session focused on realizing such simulations within your own organisation? That is what we do best! Contact us via our contact form.

Large-scale fire drill in a new building at a Danish hospital
Last November, a large-scale fire drill took place in a brand-new building at Sydvestjysk Sygehus (Southwest Hospital) in Esbjerg, Denmark.…

7 scenarios for the COPI days of Safety Region Flevoland and Gooi- en Vechtstreek
Start with an Escape Room The day started with a communication exercise. In an escape room specially developed by FireWare,…