Technical assistance and road incidents
Technical assistance comprises a broad variety of incidents. Traffic accidents, persons trapped in a car, animals in distress, trapped-in-lift-releases, power cuts and storm damage are merely a selection of the situations the first responders are confronted with. The million-dollar question is: “How are we going to solve this?”. In order to answer this question that pops up at every single incident, it is imperative for first responders to practice situations involving challenging dilemmas and to focus on situational imaging. FireWare is highly experienced in staging very diverse incidents in the field of technical assistance.
Below there are a few examples of projects in our portfolio. Are you interested in a brainstorming session focused on realizing such simulations within your own organisation? That is what we do best! Contact us via our contact form.

You don’t want to miss this! FireWare sets Tallinn’s port area ablaze
On September 28 and 29, the FireWare team once again orchestrated a spectacular simulation. This time, it took place in…

Spectacular technical emergency response scenario involving vehicle collisions in FireWare’s garden
It is quarter past seven in the evening when the alarms go off at the Wieringerwerf and Middenmeer fire stations.…

FireWare creates an experiential design for the Tilburg Safety Village
A consortium of companies and organisations are hard at work making this dream come true, and FireWare’s contribution has been…

Calamity training Leidsche Rijntunnel A2
Photos: Koen Laureij Fotografie & FireWare. During the night of 23 to 24 March, a large multidisciplinary calamity training was…

Large-scaled multidisciplinary training in the Westfrisiaweg tunnel
Purpose of the exercise The purpose of these exercises in the tunnel was to test the level of accessibility, communication…

Training exercise in the Westerschelde tunnel
Westerschelde tunnel The Westerschelde tunnel is a 6.6 km long tunnel which runs underneath the Westerschelde. The tunnel links Terneuzen…

Monthly final training exercise TATA Steel
Plumes of smoke are coming out of an old building ready for demolition, and the fire brigade from Tata Steel…

FloodEx: Escaping the water
A simulation of the top of North Holland being hit by a major flood was simulated during the international FloodEx…

Floodex: Flooded houses
A simulation of the top of North Holland being hit by a major flood was simulated during the international FloodEx…